I'm Steph, a fiber artist living in Santa Cruz. I'm inspired by my wonderful community, my maker friends, the stunning beauty of nature and the possibility sparked by one simple act. I spend my days making things by hand, caring for my family and creating workshops to connect lovely people like you.
My Story
Weaving came to me as a convergence of play, fiber love and a driving desire to make. From the little seed of curiosity a whole wonderful life has formed. Weaving has connected me with yarn producers, shop owners, wood workers, and my community of students who fill me with so much joy.
I created this blog to be a place to find inspiration and to encourage you to get out there make things and express yourself.
Each day I aim to:
cook (I’m big into plant-based diets, fermentation, and pizza),
cuddle with my cute family (they are growing up fast, but I’m still bigger),
laugh as often as possible,
hike + watch birds (it’s my way to tune in to my environment and pay attention),
stretch and breathe (also known as yoga).
Thanks for visiting!
photo credit: Steve Kuehl