Creative workshops + Events
Workshops are gatherings of the crafty, creative and curious. Click on the image for workshop details.
This is going to be a party. Come hang out with cool makers, small and local shop owners and most of my favorite people in Santa Cruz!
Past Workshops + Events
Weaving workshop for kids in Mill Valley at Once Around
Kids make the most amazing weaving projects. In this workshop they will use a variety of hand selected yarn to design and create a unique woven wall hanging. Sign up here!
Join me at the super sweet Wallflower Boutique in downtown Santa Cruz for an evening of creative flow.
I've teamed up with Santa Cruz Engraving Co. to provide locally made bamboo looms that are gorgeous to work on. Support local business and get your craft on. Tickets available here-->Count me in!
Does your portfolio need some love? Learn to be your own creative director and get excited about sharing your work. Join Raquel and me for an informative free event at Hive & Hum. More info and save your spot here.
Learn to make shimmery beautiful earrings that are fun to wear and will brighten your day, or night {wink}.
Featherlight, voluminous, sparkly. These earrings make a big statement, yet are light as a breeze. Sign up here.
Learn how to make the tasty fermented tea at home! Check out Mandala Studio for details.
Have a stash of yarn you'd love to create something beautiful with? Weaving is a wonderful way to play with color, texture, and a variety of gorgeous yarn. In this workshop you will learn the basics of weaving by working on a small beautiful project.
The skills you learn can be applied to larger projects and will launch you into a new creative endeavor.
So, if you are still holding out hope on a handmade holiday join me at Yarn Shop Santa Cruz to make a cute mini weaving.
This workshop is designed to be a break from rushing in ever direction. A pause to sit with some other nice people, focus on just one thing and complete a sweet mini weaving that is a perfect gift for someone special. I’m extra excited about this particular workshop because we will be surrounded by inspiring yarn and I am giving everyone a mini wooden loom to create on and keep!
No experience necessary, all materials included. Come out and make with us. Sign up here!
I'll be selling some sweet weavings, sachets and looms at the Yarn Shop Santa Cruz. Drop by and say hey.
And gone!
Makers Market at Coffeeville 10-6 pm Sunday November 6th
Creative Weaving Napa Valley 10/22/2016
Create a Mini Weaving Home/Work 10/1/2016 SOLD OUT, thank you!
Atelier: le tissage créatif Festival de la P'tite Laine 17-18/9/2016
Atelier: le tissage Un Moment s.v.p 21/2/2016COMPLET Merci!
Spring Yoga Series: Cap Rouge
Demo: Comment brasser la kombucha à la maison Studio Namasté 4/23/2016
Atelier: Fabrication de kombucha Le Curio 3/4/2016